Blue Team

Utilizing Threat Data and Intelligence – Practice Questions

Question 1 An engineer implements the Johari window to classify threats into quadrants. Which quadrant represents risks identified, but discarded? Known unknowns Known knowns Unknown knowns Unknown unknowns Solution The “unknown knowns” quadrant represents risks that are documented or identified but then disregarded or perhaps minimized in importance. Known knowns categorize any threats that are […]

Blue Team

Utilize Threat Modeling and Hunting Methodologies

OBJECTIVES COVERED Given a scenario, utilize threat intelligence to support organizational security. Explain the importance of proactive threat hunting. Intelligence-driven defense lends itself to proactive techniques for securing IT systems. Knowledge of adversary TTPs can be used for effective threat modeling, making risk and vulnerability assessment more efficient. You can also use threat intelligence to […]

Blue Team

Utilize Attack Frameworks and Indicator Management

OBJECTIVES COVERED Explain the importance of threat data and intelligence. Given a scenario, utilize threat intelligence to support organizational security. While classifying threat actor types provides basic insights into adversary motivations and capabilities, the diversity of threat actors in the modern security landscape requires more sophisticated tools to provide actionable threat intelligence. In this topic […]

Blue Team

Classify Threats and Threat Actor Types

Lesson Introduction Cybersecurity is a mature discipline with well-established terminology and procedures. Part of this terminology concerns the identification of threats and threat actors, and of attack frameworks and indicators. You must be able to use threat intelligence and attack frameworks to model likely risks to your organization and perform threat hunting to proactively determine […]

Blue Team

Identify Security Control Types

Lesson Introduction As a new or recently practicing cybersecurity analyst, you must be able to demonstrate the importance of security intelligence and threat intelligence. As understanding of threat types and actors grows, those threat actors change their tactics and procedures to escape detection. Consequently, identifying and updating robust intelligence sources and setting up effective information […]